Odysseus stabs one of the Cyclops' in the eye, so naturally they want revenge and asking Poseidon for help is the best thing they can really do.
sentence three seems to be the right answer
1. And honoured everywhere for worthiness; At Alexandria, he, when it was won: Knight.
2. Of courtliness, and stately manners took; And would be held worthy of reverence: Prioress.
3. In wisps hung down such locks as he'd on head; But as to hood, for sport of it, he'd none: Pardoner.
4. A lover and a lusty bachelor, With lock well curled, as if they'd laid in press: Squire.
some biggest challenges are
i) i need to control myself from wasting money on unimportant things .
ii) i have to use public transport often .
ii) i have to also face problem regarding my extra expenses such as dress , food and should buy how much i need .