Divide using long division. The whole number portion will be the number of times the denominator of the original fraction divides evenly into the numerator of the original fraction, and the fraction portion of the mixed number will be the remainder of the original fraction division over the denominator of the original fraction.
3 and 3 over 6
the area is 15
Step-by-step explanation:
if you split this shape into a triangle and a square, the triangle would measure with a legnth og 4 and a with of 3, which = 12 and then you divide by 2 to = the triangles area(6) then you add tht to the area of the square 3*3=9. so the answer would be 15
Answer: v = -5/8
Step-by-step explanation:
I had a problem like this but it was different but what i divided was 216 divided by 12 and got 18 and 216 divided by 6 and got 36