Freud and his contemporaries viewed conversion symptoms as the result of:
C. the transfer of psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories to physical symptoms.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the father of psychoanalysis.
According to Freud and other specialists, conversion symptoms are physical symptoms unrelated to any diseases. For example, someone seems to have lost the ability to use his right hand. After undergoing examination and tests, nothing wrong is found, at least physically speaking. Freud believed that that symptom was indicative of repressed feelings or memories, as if the body were manifesting something trapped in that person's unconscious mind.
Information Processing Theory.
Information processing theory is described as a perspective by which developmental psychologists compare the processing of information by humans to the processing of information by computers. By doing so, it describes how information is being received, processed, stored and retrieved by the individual's brain in the learning process.
The US is divided into four different time zones.
The Congress was not able to pass tariffs.