Maneviyat, kendisinden daha büyük bir şey olduğu, insan olmanın duyusal farkındalıktan daha fazlası olduğu ve üyesi olduğumuz daha büyük bütünün doğası gereği göksel veya ruhsal olduğu konusundaki bir düşünceyi, duyguyu veya kanıyı kabul etmeyi gerektirir.
I’m not able to write a paragraph due to not having a whole lot of personal time but here’s some things that have changed due to technology :)
- Communication being much easier
- Easier for speeches towards the country to go out to everyone
- Online shopping
-stocks helping with the economy
<u>"Accommodating" </u>is the conflict-handling style in which a person neglects his or her own concerns and allows the concerns of another to prevail.
The accommodating style is one of sacrifice, benevolence and low decisiveness. You will surrender pretty much everything so as to save the association with the other party. It is absolutely sensible to utilize this procedure when the current issue is something of little significance to you.
The Accommodating style is described as low confidence and high helpfulness. In other words that when a man picks this way to deal with overseeing strife, they will forego their own worries to fulfill the worries of others.
During a trial or deposition, an expert witnesses should do all of the following EXCEPT <u>memorize well-crafted answers to say what they think sounds effective(B)</u>
During a trial the expert witness should never memorize well crafted answers ,because he/she can be cross questioned on various aspects of the case.
The expert witness should firstly listen carefully to the questions that are being asked.
Secondly should give attorney the time to object to the question
Thirdly the answer to the question asked should be short and precised.
China has a high population of educated people.