In order to make it a source of wealth it required slave labor
The difference is only in the strategy the company wants to use. For some market segments calculating the cost of goods sold by the permanent or periodic method may be more advantageous and allow a better monitoring of business efficiency and profitability. Companies often choose the method that best fits their organizational strategy. The periodic method, for example, as used by Kelty Industries, can be useful for greater input and output control, process optimization, consumer behavior assessment, and other advantages. But if Howe and Kelty wanted to change the calculation method, it would not affect anything, as the result would be the same regardless of the calculation, periodic or daily.
Global Marketing refers to the processes by which goods,services,capital,people,information,and ideas flow across national borders.
We operate in a world called global village,where time and location do not really impact doing businesses anymore, as people from different countries that are far apart, can do business without the need to physically meet, using different channels of communication made possible by advancement in technology.
Organizations,as the need to for businesses to sell its produce to a larger number of customers increases, are constantly considering selling to customers who are based in other countries through global marketing techniques.
A. Record journal entries