Like the Olmec, the Maya also lived in a theocracy(leaders/ruling classes represented the will of the gods). Both the Olmec and Mayan cities were designed to pay tribute to the gods.
Money acts as a medium of exchange as it acts as an intermediate in the exchange process and transactions. Buying and selling of commodities are done with the exchange of money
Answer: A. Ways a person can become a US citizen.
Further detail:
- Anyone born within the borders of the United States is considered a US citizen by birth. This is even true if the parents of the child born in the US are not citizens. Being born on US soil is a way a child is considered a US citizen. This has become a matter of some contention in recent years, as some opponents of illegal immigration accuse immigrants of coming across the border to have a baby just so that baby can have US citizenship.
- If either of a set of parents are US citizens, a child born to those parents is also a US citizen, even if you were born in a foreign country. So if parents are stationed overseas or traveling, and a birth occurs outside the United States, that child still has US citizenship.
- For those not citizens by being born on US soil or to a US citizen parent, applying to become a naturalized citizen is the path for pursuing citizenship. On the website, you can find a full desciption of "How to Apply for US Citizenship" and the naturalization process.