I feel like some people would choose this as an option because of some sort of health condition that brings them pain, or something there is not cure for. Or, the obvious reason of not being happy. It would also mean they would be going peacefully when they want to. Not waiting for it to happen.
After arriving in North America in 1630, the Puritans focused on converting American Indians to their religion.
Puritans were said to be people who were members of a religious movement that came up in the northern English colonies in the 1620s and 1630s. By the 1630s, they left England in large numbers and formed New haven colony, Massachusetts Bay Colony and others.
They acted like their Spanish and French Catholic rivals by converting the native peoples to the version of Christianity they were professing.
Under the new regime, Amun became the supreme state god. He was syncretized with Ra, the long-established patron of kingship and his temple at Karnak in Thebes became Egypt's most important religious center
Microeconomics can be defined as a branch of economics where the behavior of individuals and small impacting organizations are studied, where each of these decisions are allocated of limited resources. Microeconomics looks at these behaviors and investigates how it affects the supply and demand of the goods and how this affects the pricing. Macroeconomics studies the total economic activity regarding growth, inflation and unemployment and can deal with national economic policies.
The action being shown in the scenario given above is called
political patronage. This is a reward given to an individual when they were
able to obtain a prestige or benefits when the individual has served or given a
favor to an official and because of that, they are likely to be offered with a