True, and depending upon what kind of excersise you do will determine the quality of it. If you do excersise that is good for you, don't overwork yourself, you can burn excess fat, tone abs, and boot your immunity to diseases while helping your body function more coordinating.. but if you overwork yourself, and strain yourself farther than you can handle.. you can damage your muscles.. So excersising can change and does change your body and the way it functions.. be it negative or positive? That's up to how you do it.
The pyramid is surrounded by cortical tissue (a renal column of Bertin) that dips down into the medulla. ... Medullary tissue also extends up into the cortex, forming medullary rays that are interspersed between cortical tissue containing the renal corpuscles and their associated convoluted tubules.
I hope it's help u
He wanted to make helth care better and make the helth care go up not down!