there are many exploitation cases in india
1. child labour- children under 14 work for their family earning
2.untouchables- they are from low caste they are not treated equally as much as high caste. but in this world all are humans does anyone think how will they feel if someonelse does the same thing
3.equality- women are not giving equal rights in villages.
like this there are many more. but pls remmember before exploiting anyone think before you act thank you ☺
The sea star could be called a(n) keystone species.
The concept of keystone species was introduced by zoologist Robert T. Paine, in 1969. <u>A keystone species has a fundamental role in influencing an ecosystem, helping maintain the structure within an ecological community. The abundance or lack of the keystone species will determine the abundance or lack of other species as well.</u> It is common to use lions or wolves as examples of keystone species. If they disappear, certain animal populations that are usually hunted by them will prosper indiscriminately. That will drastically change the ecosystem, perhaps even leading it to its collapse. As we can see, the sea star describe in the passage is responsible for controlling the mussel population. The sea star is, therefore, a keystone species, preventing the overcrowding of mussels.
Derecho a la Libertad. La libertad es un derecho sagrado e imprescriptible que todos los seres humanos poseen. La libertad es la facultad de obrar según su voluntad, respetando la ley y el derecho ajeno.
El derecho a la igualdad significa que todo ser humano, desde su nacimiento, debe ser reconocido como igual ante la ley, por parte de los Estados1. Esto implica que todos los seres humanos pueden disfrutar de todos los derechos sin que haya lugar a distinción alguna por motivos de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, nacimiento o cualquier otra condición.2
Indians cultivated and developed many plants that are very important in the world today. Some of them are white and sweet potatoes, corn, beans, tobacco, chocolate, peanuts, cotton, rubber and gum. Plants were also used for dyes, medicines, soap, clothes, shelters and baskets.