A and B because the quote explains that large groups of people got together to form associations so A and B both make sense for the question
Answer: Justification of effort
Justification of effort is a phenomenon whereby people view a goal or endpoint as beneficial and more favorable, if they worked hard or put more effort into achieving it. Justification of effort makes the goal to appear more attractive, worthwhile and justifies the effort put into accomplishing the goal. Effort justification helps in increasing attraction and commitment to a goal, group cohesion and stability are enhanced, effort justification is likely to increase persistence at tasks that are not altogether pleasant, especially when such tasks are seen as chosen.
Answer : the Great Depression and the Versailles Treaty enabled Hitler's rise to power in Germany. Germany signed the Versailles Treaty under duress; the British navy still blockaded the country, and if it did not sign the treaty, hostilities would have reopened at once. Germany was forced to assume all blame for the war—a war which it did not start. Germany also lost valuable industrial sections of the country to France, and some of its eastern territory was lost to recreate Poland. The German people, who were told all the way up to the end that they were winning the war, were in shock. Many rightist groups felt as though they had been sold out from within, and they sought to blame the Communists and Jews for capitulating. Hitler was able to use this antisemitism when he came to power.
The Great Depression was also key in Hitler's rise to power. Britain and France were forced to turn inward during the Depression, and they did not devote a lot of energy to international events such as Hitler's...
perhaps because if they revolted they would be unable to continue controlling them. If there were many slaves they may be able to overthrow their master if they so wish. I hope this helps!