Match the description to the term. 1. a direct comparison Thornton Wilder 2. story of an author's own life Samuel Johnson 3. cla
use modifying a noun or pronoun William Hill Brown 4. a listing of sources used in a paper The Scarlet Letter 5. a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne metaphor 6. number one best seller of the 19th century independent clause 7. a main clause that can function as a sentence adjective clause 8. a word picture with a concrete reference in the real world autobiography 9. pioneer of free verse in poetry the stage manager 10. The Power of Sympathy Uncle Tom's Cabin 11. giving an inanimate object human characteristics personification 12. author of Our Town Walt Whitman 13. first person to use historical method of dictionary research image 14. guide and narrator for Our Town works cited
Colons. The colon is a stronger punctuation mark than the semicolon. As a result, within sentences, it is used only after a complete sentence--never after a dependent clause or phrase.