The answer is true it was always an important site
They had allies who helped them by providing aid in the form of supplies, weapons, military leaders, and soldiers. These allies played a major role in helping the colonists to gain their independence. Who helped the Americans in the revolution? A number of European countries assisted the American colonists.
By the time the British surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had basically won their independence. Fighting would finally come to a formal end in 1783. ... The British military was the best in the world. It had conquered much of the world and prevailed in war after war over the past century.
Because the United States struggled to Unite and quell the rebellion, the answer is B. The United States realized it needed to be more centralized in order to deal with internal and external threats.
Hard money is governed by regulation. It is a complex procedure that no doubt involves tax considerations.
Soft money avoids all these complications by just contributing to the democratic party itself. Probably this is the answer that is intended.
It authorized the collective international community to intercede where a nation committed genocide. According to Dr.