Prejudice is the unjustified belief towards a group of people based on their affiliation to a different race, religion, political party, occupation, etc. While these beliefs remain affective and cognitive they called prejudice but when they start to reflect in action they are called discrimination. Therefore discrimination can be defined as unjustifiable treatment towards an individual based on their membership to a particular group.
In 1745, Robert Gray handed over the estate. It was later bought by a relative who built a modern house before 1760. His property has changed frequently until 1872, when it was bought by Evan Charles Sutherland-Walker, who extended the house and improved the same land. However, the state of the building had been reduced in 1897, when wealthy industrialist Andrew Carnegie had a one-year lease, with a purchase option. In 1898 he exercised that option of £ 85,000. However, his condition had decreased so much by this time that an additional £ 2 million was spent on improvements, including an area increase of 16,000 square feet (1,500 m 2) to more than 60,000 square feet (5,600 m 2), In addition to the creation of Loch Ospisdale, an indoor swimming pavilion and a 9-hole golf course. Carnegie employed Alexander Ross of Inverness to carry out major improvement works that include complete electrical services served by a private plant.
The Mexican Federal Constitution of 1824 was Mexico's first constitution, after the overthrow of Emperor Agustín de Iturbide. The Constitution of 1824 transformed Mexico into a FEDERAL REPUBLIC, governed by a national president, congress, and supreme court, but with lots of power also given to the states.
United Kingdom is surrounded with bodies of water; thus, it is easier for them to trade with people from different countries all over the world. Ships carrying various goods from different parts of the world would dock in UK ports and trade their goods for the goods found in UK. People living in UK has livelihoods that are depended on land (farming) and water (fishing).
Since UK is surrounded by bodies of water, it enjoys a milder climate compared with Russia.
Russia, on the otherhand, occupies some parts of Europe and Asia. But, Russians can not maximize the use of their land area since there are parts of Russia wherein there are permanently frozen land. Russia is also bordered by 15 countries with no access to waterways, making trading difficult but possible.
Most Russians live in the European part of the country because it has a better weather condition and trade among neighbouring countries can easily be done.
Mass media has evolved due to the amount of technology updates and more sites, along with better data plans. and the reason media needs to be correct, because if it's not correct certain people could lose votes. And if it's not accurate lies and rumors could be spread and make the better person lose votes.