The distribution of powers among the three federal branches- The Congress, The President and The Judiciary and between the national and the state governments had a positive impact on policy making. In this system there is the check and balance among the three branches which leads to criticism of wrong policies and adoption of good policies. More importantly the policies are discussed by the federal and state government as well and the decisions are taken on the basis of consent which ultimately leads to adoption of efficient policies by the government.
Through the criminal experience gained and the political connections established in gambling and prostitution rackets in the early 1900s, gangsters had become well prepared for the exploitation of Prohibition, which was ratified as the 18th Constitutional Amendment in 1919.
Reconstruction was resented in the South because it represented federal control over the Southern states. Federal troops were stationed in the South and the region was divided into military districts. It also featured the reframing of civil rights and liberties as it related to African Americans. The passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment as well as the establishment of HBCUs marked a significant change in the plight of African Americans.
Explanation: Reconstruction (1865-1876) was a crucial moment in American life. It witnessed important regional transformation in the south and repositioned African Americans in the national life.
Tenía una estructura estamental que basaba su estabilidad en los vínculos de fidelidad personal, vasallaje y feudo, a través del homenaje. ... Esta sociedad estamental está organizada de forma piramidal. Hay tres estamentos básicos la nobleza, el clero y el estado llano.
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