Future value
The name for computation that allows you to determine how much money to deposit now to earn a desired amount in the future is "Future value." Future value is the equivalent of an asset at a particular date. It estimates specific nominal future sum of cash that an invested sum of money is "worth" at a stipulated period in the future considering a specific interest rate, or more commonly, rate of interest; it is the immediate price multiplied by the aggregation function.
Solution :
a). Opportunity cost
In the field of economics, Opportunity cost may be defined as the loss of a potential gain when some other alternatives are chosen from a given set of opportunities.
b). efficiency
c). Our professor presents us the incentives for major in economics.
d). I can complete the project via specialization more efficiently rather than doing it all each part of the project together.
MAde up of employes in an industry
Written essay
Written essay method is an approach of performance appraisal, where appraiser prepare a written statement about the strength and weekness of employee to appraise their performance, these strength and weekness are evaluated on the basis of past performance at the employment. It also suggest solution for performance improvement. It is one of the effective method of performance appraisal, however, it is time consuming.
In the given case, Wade have described strength and weekness of each subordinates and also suggested technique to improve performance, therefore, wade is using Written essay method of performance appraisal.