Answer: I believe that the title, "The Great Gatsby" holds a much deeper meaning and message than most people infer from it. To explain, most people would typically read the title and infer from it "Oh, from the title this must mean that Gatsby was great!" but upon further analysis the term "great" allucidates to a much deeper message that I believe could be that during this time period, the public image of Gatsby was considered to be the image of coolness, elitism, etc. yet the personality and being of Gatsby character himself proves to be far from the perfect idealized man he was portrayed to be.
You need an objective pronoun here, and the only such pronoun is <em>us. </em>All of the other pronouns are subject pronouns.
The animated movie was more enjoyable to the children that to us. The correct answer is D.
The identity of someone shapes their entire existence. It is formed at the very beginning of one's life by their name, and further molded as they age. People often attempt to change their identity, and doing so leads to disastrous consequences. In the play, "Romeo and Juliet" by mastermind playwright William Shakespeare, such is the case when star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet defy their very existence in the name of love. The Characters within the play rebel against their identities, pushing the boundaries and diminishing stereotypes, in order to achieve their desires. When they finally break free from their identity however, conflicts arise.
I didn't have time to finish the rest, but hopefully this helps you get your essay started! I think it is a strong starter, and will captivate.
A subject is a person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with.
A theme is the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.