Propaganda was used in World War II in order to convince people that the Japanese should be imprisoned.
Answer: A) character vs. society because he is breaking laws and E) character vs. nature because his hunger is driving him to take risks.
Explanation: in literature, a conflict is a struggle between opposite forces, usually between a character (the main character or a very important one) and himself (internal conflict), society or another character (external conflict). In the given excerpt from "By the Waters of Babylon" we can see an example of two types of external conflicts: character vs. society because he is breaking laws by entering the towers looking for the food of the gods (which was forbidden), and character vs. nature because is because his hunger that he is taking such risks.
"You do not rise to the level of your goals. you fall to the level of your systems" is one famous quote by James Clear on goals and systems.
People mainly talk about setting goals to achieve an objective, but setting goals does not necessarily lead to a success in achieving the objective. One might succeed in few goals that are laid out , but be unsuccessful in others.
The results that one gets, have very little to do with the goals, and everything with the system that one follows.
For example: the goal of a businessman would be, to be very successful in his business and earn billions of dollars. But, he has to use the right system to do so.
Hiring the right kind of employee, the right advertisement campaigns etc is the system by which he can reach his goals. Thus, only setting goals should not be given priority, but priority should be given to the systems that help in achieving the goal.
It means the breeze moved the curtains lightly and it uses Personification :)
Some players hit the ball and stand dejected, waiting for it to land. Others turn away and leave it to the caddy.
Dynamite was lavishly used, and many of San Francisco's proudest structures were crumbled by man himself into ruins, but there was no withstanding the onrush of the flames.
Lila, who lives in a trailer with a parakeet and some scrappy dogs and cats, has been the town fire warden for almost 30 years.