A very strong relationship. I'll take the easiest example :the bees. They are so important for our planet. Without them, we and all living creatures on earth would be on track to dispariton. Let me explain why. At first, the bees need the nectar from flowers to make honey ( source of food ). As they pollen from flower to flower, they transport pollen on their tiny little legs and in this way, they help the plants to reproduce themselves. If, for some reason, there will be no more bees. Plants and flowers will not thrive, plants will be eaten without having contribued to the productivity of the species and they will go out. No plants, no more veggies or fruits for herbivorous and humans, no more herbivorous no more food for carnivorous, etc. Also, without plants, there will be less oxygen on our planet. Slowly the fauna and flora will die on earth and then it will be our turn. That is why relationships with plants and insects are so important. Plants produce oxygen for all of us and they are a natural and healthy source of food and insects help plants to survive and thus save the species.
a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere because of the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of pollutants.
Fungi cell walls are made of chitin and other polysaccharides, not cellulose (Plants) or protein (Animals). Therefore your answer is-
"The cell walls of fungi are different than the cell walls of plants because they contain the hard material of chitin"
<span><span>Clouds of gas form within galaxies.
</span><span>Formation of structure within the gas clouds, due to "turbulence" and activity of new stars.
</span><span>Random turbulent processes lead to regions dense enough to collapse under their own weight, in spite of a hostile environment.
</span><span>As blob collapses, a disk forms, with growing "protostar" at the center.
</span><span>At the same time, bipolar outflows from forming star/disk system begin.
</span><span>Material is processed, moving in from the blob to the disk. What is not lost in the outflow builds up on the protostar.
</span><span>When the protostar begins to undergo fusion, it becomes a real star.
</span><span>Once the outflow ceases and the "accretion" phase that lead to the buildup of the star ends, a disk of "leftover" material is left around the star.
</span><span>At or near the end of the star-formation process, the remaining material in the "circumstellar disk" (a.k.a. "protoplanetary disk") forms a variety of planets.
</span><span>Eventually, all that is left behind is a new star, perhaps some planets, and a disk of left-over ground-up solids, visible as a "Debris Disk"around stars other than the Sun, and known as the "Zodaical Dust Disk" around the Sun.</span></span>