The term "genotype" refers to the genetic makeup of an organism; in other words, it describes an organism's complete set of genes.
Hi! :)
Answer: Dr. Garcia should compare fly cells to human cells.
The correct option is C.
The Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Program and Wildlife Grant Program are two governmental programs that work toward ensuring that wildlife resources are conserved and protected from destruction. These program typically give funds to qualified states to take care of their wildlife resources. To be qualifies for the grant, applicants must be able to present feasible Wildlife Action Plan that spell out how the grant will be utilized. Such plans usually serve as blueprints that showcase the works that need to be done and how it will be executed. Any state that is not able to present a convincing Wildlife Action Plan may end up not getting the grants.
towards the inside hyperpolarising the neuron
GABA(gamma amino butyric acid) is an inhibitor neurotransimitter. When it attaches to the post-synaptic segment it causes an influx of anions that makes is harder to generate an action potential.