Treehouses are built on the stem and the three branches, which do not grow in length, only in width. Trees grow in length only in the area of the buds, which are located at the ends of branches.
Maybe it is easier to understand this if you imagine that you put a small house replica on the palm of your hand and that your fingers are constantly growing from their tips. So, the house on your palm would not move, only your fingers, (the analogy to the three top buds) would become longer.
The correct answer is: Induction, because this could be easily changed by changing the cell's environment.
Cell differentiation (process by which cell becomes specialized) can be under the influence of many factors:
• Cytoplasmic influence because cytoplasm can influence and control the behaviour of nuclear genes.
• Embryonic induction-changing the cell environment
For example: if cells from one region of the embryo are transplanted to some other region that transplant will most likely differentiate according to the chemical regulators of the surrounding cells.
• Proteins present in a cell influences its differentiation
• Cell-Cell interactions via cell-cell adhesion and signalling molecules.
The ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) most likely produces neuronal special proteins.
Conduction of electrical impulses by action potentials of neurons takes place through controlled flow of charged ions through neuronal membranes. This ion transfer is controlled by specialized neuronal channel proteins which are present in the neuronal cell membrane.
These channel proteins allow for hydrophillic passage of ions and water molecules across the neuronal membranes.
Ribosomes that are attached to the RER are involved in protein synthesis. They carry the code for proteins carried by the mRNA and translate into respective protein.
The RER along with some free ribosomes cluster together as Nissl bodies and are mainly involved in neuronal specialized proteins.
any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. a product of such development; something evolved: The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research