higher taxes
if we raise minimum wage the tax scale will also raise. our income bases off how much we pay in taxes. meaning more money, more taxes.
Theft of intellectual property.
Cloud computing is making hardware, software and data available on demand via a network, often the internet. The cloud stands for a network that, with all the computers connected to it, forms a kind of 'cloud of computers', where the end user does not know how many or which computers the software runs on or where those computers exactly stand. In this way, the user no longer needs to be the owner of the hardware and software used and is therefore not responsible for maintenance. The details of the information technology infrastructure are hidden from view and the user has his own virtual infrastructure, scalable in size and possibilities. The cloud is therefore a technique with which scalable online services can be offered. Without the ability to scale, an online service offered does not relate to cloud computing.
Here is a sample of the most common marginalized groups:
Senior citizens.
Racial/Cultural minorities.
Military Combat Veterans.
Persons of below average intelligence.
Hearing, visually, and Physically Challenged Persons.
Persons with a serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI)
Persons with Cognitive Impairments.
Personally, I would choose to save that money. The reason why is you never know - maybe something bad is going to happen and you will need that extra cash. So instead of splurging it on material things, it's better to save it for a rainy day, in my opinion. Investing is not safe, given that you may lose a lot more than you invest.
I believe the answer is: c. to make the loan look more attractive and competitive now
By offering it at low initial rate, the people who borrow money would experience low burden if they plan to return the money within short period of time. This would make them much more likely to obtain a loan, and it also would make the bank that create the loan program looks better compared to their competitors.