an algorithm (pronounced AL-go-rith-um) is a procedure or formula for solving a problem, based on conducting a sequence of specified actions. A computer program can be viewed as an elaborate algorithm. In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm usually means a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem.
If your powersupply has the standard 24 pin connector, you can make it switch on by connecting a green and a black (find a good picture to see the pin numbers). Google for the "paperclip test" for details.
Network Address Translation (NAT)
With the aid of Network address translation(NAT), the IP addresses of a particular local network are translated or mapped into a single or multiple global or public IP addresses. Therefore, a wireless router could use NAT to translate its private IP address on internal traffic (network) to a routable address for the internet.
With NAT, businesses can use many internal IP addresses since they are just for internal purposes and will be eventually converted into a single or a few multiple routable IP addresses.
Three types of NAT are possible:
(i) Static NAT : There is a one - to - one mapping between private IP addresses and routable (public) IP addresses. One private IP is mapped to one public IP address.
(ii) Dynamic NAT : There is a many- to - many mapping between private IP addresses and routable (public) IP addresses. Multiple private IPs are mapped to many public IP addresses.
(iii) Port Address Translation (PAT) : Many - to - one relationship between the private IP addresses and public addresses. Many private IP addresses can be mapped or translated into a single public IP address. This type of NAT is also called NAT overload.
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