spreadsheet software
Spreadsheet software is an application that allows users to organize data in columns and rows and perform calculations on the data. These columns and rows collectively are called a worksheet.
Designations at the end of file names such as .docx and .html are called. File extensions.
Control bus
A control bus is a PC bus that is utilized by the CPU to speak with gadgets that are contained inside the PC. This happens through physical associations, for example, links or printed circuits.
The CPU transmits an assortment of control sign to parts and gadgets to transmit control sign to the CPU utilizing the control bus. One of the principle targets of a transport is to limit the lines that are required for communication
An individual bus licenses communication between gadgets utilizing one information channel. The control transport is bidirectional and helps the CPU in synchronizing control sign to inside gadgets and outer segments. It is included interfere with lines, byte empower lines, read/compose sign and status lines.
when user wants duplicate copy of the object
Encapsulation are one of the key foundations of object-oriented programming (OOP). It involves the bundling of data or information with the methods and various techniques which operate on that data.
It can be used in hiding the true values or state of a structured data object that is in a class, preventing unauthorized parties' direct access to them.
The circumstances that can be allowed in returning a reference to the existing Engine is when user wants duplicate copy of the object.