On March 5, 1770 the dreadful day came. A mob of people went in front of the Customs Office in Boston Massachusetts and started to throw stuff and give insults at the soldiers. As a result to this so-called harassment the soldiers fired on the crowd. The first to die was an African-Amercan man named Crispus Attucks.
The intended goal was for them to define their teachings.
Fifth Amendment.
He exercised his right to remain silent.
In this case, they really are attempting to determine : <span>the unstated, primary causes of the conflict
When each parties that involved in the conflict started to analyze their opponent's interest, they will start to see things based on the opponent's point of view, so they will be more likely to create a compromise that benefits both of the parties.</span>
Answer: B. Mirabeau Lamar
In October 1839 President Lamar took up residence in the new capitol and Austin began to grow rapidly.