The answer is, "Dr, Petrovic is most likely a humanistic therapist".
We can define humanistic therapy as a constructive way to deal with psychotherapy that spotlights on a man's individual nature, as opposed to arranging gatherings of individuals with comparable attributes as having similar issues.
quantitative research helps to pile up stock of facts finding as well as stasticse to prove our point out in the open which is unassailable
Well, uniting against a common enemy has always been a great unifier. Plus, literally fighting for freedom made every person fighting believe very deeply in their cause, and so they could overcome differences with each other for that cause.
A finalidad del área de desarrollo personas cívico ciudadano (DPCC) es explicar a las personas cual es la importancia de vivir en una sociedad democrática , también nos enseña las importancia de ser un buen cuidadano.
Straw man fallacy
Straw man fallacy is one in which an argument is rejected or is considered worthless by the opponent without proper supporting facts and evidence. In the given question Blake is rejecting an argument by saying that this had already failed. He has not listened and analyzed the argument and has just rejected it.