True because out of 70 Delegates only 39 signed the Constitution
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is a landmark piece of legislation that sought to improve criminal legal and community-based responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking in the United States.
If an adolescent fails to establish a sense of identity, an adolescent can be predisposed to being in a state of confusion according to Erik Erikson's theory.
Building a sense of identity during the adolescent stage of life sets a path towards adulthood, thus, if an adolescent fails to establish this, they’d most likely be vulnerable to a state of confusion, just like the feeling of failing in finding their purpose in life.
As an undergraduate, I want to pursue my major degree in finance after the bachelor degree. Since my childhood, i always wanted to work in an executive level of some established multinational corporation, or better than that, start my own business.
I always found myself interested towards the business management and i believe i have those skills and aptitude that one requires to hold a position in a large corporation. Thus, my dream of doing majors in finance is quite intriguing for me.