The high technology in the ships of the Portuguese gave them an advantage over other countries, becoming the most powerful navigators during those two centuries. Portuguese trading focused mainly on obtaining gold, ivory, and pepper; but in addition to these products, so prized in Europe, it is estimated that more than 175,000 slaves were also carried on Portuguese ships to Europe and the Americas in the greatest migration of people during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Monroe doctrine
Monroe doctrine warns European countries to not colonize or puppet monarch
Answer 1 is B
Answer 2 is A
Answer 3 is D
Correct answer:
A. No specific
Option A is the right answer.
Began around 10,000 B.C, the Neolithic revolution in the history of Human marks the transition from small nomadic bands of hunter-gatherer to larger agricultural settlement and early civilization. People in the Paleolithic age used Primitive stone tools, whereas tools in the Neolithic era were more sophisticated. People during this age invented new types of tools such as sickle blades and stone axes etc. People in the Paleolithic age lived in small groups of 20- 30 people in caves, or in cabins made of tree branches, while, the Neolithic people with the advent of agriculture and raising cattle moved to settle as the farmers and villagers.