Answer: Capillaries are tiny branched blood vessels that joins the arteries to the veins
Capillaries are found in the junctions between arteries and veins in the tissues.
They have the following functions:
- They have tiny walls and are tiny enough to penetrate to all parts of the body
- The thin walls help them diffuse oxygen, nutrients and waste products between cells and the blood.
Wait this is highschool biology?!
Woah... thought it would be harder....
Anyways, see "micro" means really small, so small that your bare eyesight can't take it (or see it, I don't care). A microscope was meant to see things that our eyes can't. Since humans cant see microlife we use a microscope.
Mind Blown...
Iron man comes from Marvel Studios. He was created by Stan Lee
Answer: winged fruits have two or more wings
i hope this helps ^_^
Delta can also be an easy answer plus it is easy to remember