Data Backup and Recovery is the procedure that protects against the loss of data. It is to protect the crucial data against losing in events like physical disaster, database corruption, hardware failures, and other incident that can cause the data to lose.
CREATE VIEW [product_summary] AS
SELECT product_id , order_count , order_total FROM Product;
SELECT * FROM [product_summary] ;
- First of all, use the CREATE VIEW syntax to create a view named product_summary that includes the product_id, order_count, order_total columns and returns the summary information about each product.
- Use SELECT statement to return all the columns from the product_summary view.
You can't really say it matters whether it's short or long
There several coding language some short and some long with different purposes so it doesn't really make a difference
Although some coders have been able to shorten some codes so I'd say shorter is faster and be[er and easier to memorize
Thanks hope I was helpful
Software that people commonly use in the workplace to make their lives easier is called system software.
The answwer to the type of hardware is led lighting it does not need a inverter