Poverty and wealth are often found side by side. They are two dimensions in our world that are interrelated because they affect each other and influence both the willingness and capacity of states to ensure a stable global system. Traditional approaches to IR are premised on the notion of state sovereignty. But, sovereignty as an absolute concept that reinforces separation between states has been tempered through the many processes of globalisation, including economic agreements and the establishment of international organisations, as well as with the emergence of human rights thinking as captured through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. With respect to the emergence of human rights thinking, the premise goes that in the context of a common set of universal rights based on the individual, the sovereignty of the state can be challenged if a government does not respect or maintain these rights. Here, sovereignty means that a state does not only maintain rights, it also meets its responsibilities. Poor people are cheated out of their savings and the rich flaunt their money like it's honest and hard worked generated money.
I think a pie chart would be a better representation of a whole.
Answer: Construct Validity
Construct Validity is a measure of how well a test is structured to examine the fact or event we actually want to measure. Put simply, do the variables we are trying to measure and labels we assign them reflect the idea that we intend?
In this question, the threat to construct validity is that black/white does not refer to race but social status due to the culture where the terms are used. The labels used here will translate into a test that measures a completely different idea, and will also generate different results from what is intended.
lateral hypothalamus
Dr. Linzle has implanted an electrode in the hypothalamus of a rat. When the rat's brain is electrically stimulated, the rat starts to eat again, even if it has just finished a large meal. The electrode is most likely activating the LATERAL HYPOTHALAMUS.