Being able to know the medical terminology allows you to understand other people that you’re working with. It also allows you to do your job better since you’re very knowledgeable on your job.
Answer: Physical health
Antibiotics are one of the most used medications by the world population. It is normal to receive a medical prescription when you have an infection in the body since these usually eliminate it in most cases. Antibiotics, however, are effective in treating various conditions in the body, their use and combination with other medications can be counterproductive.
Many doctors are cautious when indicating antibiotics and more in the case of people taking supplements. The combination of antibiotics and supplements can cause dangerous side effects. There are people who at the moment of consuming both do not make their doctor aware of this since they believe that it will not cause them any risk to their health.
When a person takes antibiotics and nutritional supplements at the same time, some of the health risks are related to reducing the effectiveness of the medication or increasing it in a way that causes damage to the kidneys and increased side effects of the medication.
Ronald acts the right way by worrying about the intake of supplements and antibiotics. It is recommended that Ronald visit his doctor and explain what he is taking, so the doctor can let him know if what he is taking is risky for his health.
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When reviewing your project requirements, it is important to bring your entire team together and review the project part by part along with all the individuals who will participate in it.
Requirements review is a very important step in starting a project. This is because it allows the project to be placed in a document and can be analyzed in a decomposed way. That is, the project leader will be able to analyze each part of the project and make specific notes, modifications and anything else that can reduce flaws and increase the project's capacity to obtain positive results. However, it is important that after this analysis, the leader brings all the project members together and shows them everything that was decided by reviewing the requirements.
Answer: Act as mediators between governing boards, medical staff, and department heads.
Follow policies created by a governing board of trustees.
Create policies and procedures for medical treatments.
Provide evaluations of doctors, nurses and other hospital employees.