Due to non-violent methods of the Father of Our Nation Mahatma Ghnadi which led to the British withdrawing from India in August 15 1947
Family relationships formed basis for government
Governor of Giorgia has many formal responsibilities stated by the Constitution, among those powers we can mention:
1- The command of military forces in Giorgia, since he is the commarnder-in chief.
2- In case of any vacancy in the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia senate, he/she is the person allowed to fill it.
3- Governor is in charge of assuring the execution of laws and of maintaining the peace and order among citizens.
The correct answer is Levi-Strauss.
Explanation: Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) was a great French anthropologist, ethnologist and teacher. Formed in law and philosophy in France and producer of a vast work, Lévi-Strauss was the creator of structural anthropology and one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century.