An action potential in an excitatory presynaptic nerve. 2. an _____ in the dendrites of the postsynaptic nerve. 3. this spreads
passively to the ___________. 4. depolarization of this region opens voltage-gated ______ channels. 5. suf?cient membrane depolarization to _________ opens enough of these channels to produce an action potential. 6. in non myelinated axons: the currents associated with the action potential spread to the ______ region of the axon. 7. in myelinated axons: the currents associated with the action potential spread to the next ________. 8. the action potential travels down the axon to the ___________.
An action potential in an excitatory presynaptic nerve. 2. an <u>excitatory postsynaptic potential </u>in the dendrites of the postsynaptic nerve. 3. this spreads passively to the <u>Axon.</u> 4. depolarization of this region opens voltage-gated <u>Na+ and K+ ionic</u> channels. 5. sufficient membrane depolarization to <u>reach action potential threshold</u> opens enough of these channels to produce an action potential. 6. in non myelinated axons: the currents associated with the action potential spread to<u> the depolarized </u>region of the axon. 7. in myelinated axons: the currents associated with the action potential spread to the next <u>Nod of Ranvier</u>. 8. the action potential travels down the axon to the <u>Axon terminals.</u>
An action potential is an excitatory presynaptic nerve. An EPSP (Excitatory postsynaptic potential) takes place in the dendrites of the postsynaptic nerve. This spreads passively to the axon hillock. Depolarization of this region opens voltage-gated ionic channels. Sufficient membrane depolarization to threshold opens enough to these channels to produce an action potential. Non myelinated axon; the currents associated with the action potential spread to the depolarized region of the axon. In myelinated axon; the currents associated with the action potential spread to the next Node of Ranvier. The action potential travels down the axon to the axon terminals.
The nervous system helps all the parts of the body to communicate with each other. It also reacts to changes both outside and inside the body. The nervous system uses both electrical and chemical means to send and receive messages.