Well 2≤x≤6 so the values of x are: 2,3,4,5,6 and if we replace the values of the answers if we replace x by 2 A√2=1.4 ;B √2+1=√3=1.7 ;C √2-1=√1=1 ;D√2-2=0 if we replace x by 3 A√3= 1.7 ;B √3+1=√4= 2 ; C √3-1=√2=1.4 ;D √3-2=√1=1 if we replace x by 4 A √4= 2 ;B √4+1=√5=2.2 : C √4-1=√3=1.7; D√4-2=√2=1.4 if we replace x by 5 A √5= 2.2 ;B √5+1=√6=2.44;C √5-1=√4= 2 ;D√5-2=√3=1.7 if we replace x by 6 A √6= 2.44;B √6+1=√7=2.65;C √6-1=√5= 2.2 ;D√6-2=√4=2
you will notice that the group of answers B has the greatest values so the answer is :B