Biosafety level 3 requires at least two-door separation between the area where biohazards are used and the personnel not associated with the research, requires inward inflow into the lab and must have a visual mechanism to verify that air is flowing in the appropriate direction
Biosafety level 3 is required for clinical, diagnostic, teaching, researching or production laboratories working with microbes that are also following BSL-1 and BSL-2 but as these pathogenic agent can lead to life-threatening disease by inhaling it, besides other contaiment precautions, the BSL-3 facilities must have a separated entrance to laboratory door with unrestricted traffic flow and the lab must be behind two sets of self-closing doors and windows must be sealed, with a ventilation system properly directioned installed.
FDR's New Deal was a series of federal programs launched to ... New Deal programs put people back to work, helped banks rebuild their ... Deal programs ended as the U.S. entered World War II, a few still ... FDIC-insured banks failed, and no depositors in these failed banks .... Living New Deal website.
I am pretty sure the answer is A. Hope this helps
The answer is A because I know