Explanation: The event that is considered the most violent in the year 1980 towards American India was the massacre of Wounded Knee, carried out by the troops of the United States Government towards the Lakota indigenous tribes. The massacre occurred on December 29, 1980, at the Pine Ridge Reserve near Wounded Knee Creek, located in the US state of South Dakota; where the 7th regiment of the American cavalry massacre about 150 people among them, children and unarmed women. Some sources claim that there were approximately 300 people killed.
The facts that relate what happened, say that after the 7th cavalry intercepted the Lakota Indians near the Porcupine Butte peak, they guarded them eight kilometers to the Wounded Knee stream, where they camped, and in the morning hours of the 29th In December, while they were disarming the Lakota men, the rifle was fired and the cavalry began assassinating the Indian people. Those who managed to flee were hunted down and killed.
The correct answer is a. evolution. Darwin was the scientist behind the theory of natural selection, one of the main mechanisms behind evolution (next to sexual selection).
It was a source of life because it watered crops and provided fish. But it also had devastating floods because of the continuous elevation on the river bed.<span />
The monroe doctrine basically said that if europe tried to take control of any independent states in north or south america then the US will consider it a "manifestation of unfriendly disposition towards the US"