Checks and Balances help make sure no branch is more powerfl than the others.
The flood made silt near rivers and silt made land extremely fertile for farming.
East Germany
The official name of East Germany was the German Democratic Republic. It was a communist state aligned in the orbit of the Soviet Union.
The Allies of World War II divided Germany into four zones of control after the war -- each zone occupied by one of the Allied nations -- Britain, France, the USA, and the USSR. The same thing was done for the city of Berlin, which was in the Soviet-controlled zone (East Germany). East Berlin was governed under Soviet control, and West Berlin was governed by the western Allies -- Britain, France and the USA. The British, French and American sectors were combined into West Germany (and West Berlin), and the eastern area became "East Germany," a satellite of the Soviet Union.
D. Lutherans either had to leave the state or change religions.