As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for
an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the
conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at
fault, the Palestinians are irrational “terrorists” who have no point of
view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the
Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand
years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the
creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes — on both
sides — inevitably follow from this original injustice.
At his death eleven years later, Alexander ruled the largest empire of the ancient world. His victory at the battle of Gaugamela on the Persian plains was a decisive conquest that insured the defeat of his Persian rival King Darius III.
I believe this is in terms of voting and how certain voters are casted in as one party when they actually voted for another. I do not think it's fair (well I'm pretty sure it isn't but it happens anyway) or truthful.