(4) organic catalysts
The job of catalysts in chemical reactions is to make the reaction go faster by lowering the amount of energy needed to activate the reaction. If less energy is needed for the reaction to occur, then the reaction can go faster because a large energy build-up is not needed.
The second one
One gene for a particular trait
Last one - Biodiversity is the diversity of species in an area, which makes an ecosystem better prepared for major changes
If one crop struggles to grow then there will be plenty of others to substitute it. If a prey animal is dying at a faster rate and harder to find, predators can have other prey options and so forth. Biodiversity makes it so ecosystems can get past change.
The answer is Brachial Plexus. Brachial Plexus Injury is the result of pulling or stretching the arm forcibly. Sudden damage to the nerves, weakness, loss of sensation and movement are the most common symptoms of a brachial plexus injury.