Pikachu is a Pokémon
The origins are Japanese
pika is the sound of an electric shock
chu is the sound of a mouse (squeak)
d. Transactions exposure.
Transactions exposure -
It is the level of uncertainty involved in a business in the international trade face .
It is the risk which currency exchange rates would fluctuate after the firm has taken a financial obligation .
The high level of vulnerability to shift the exchange rates can lead to the loss of the major capital for the international business .
Hence from the information of the question , the correct answer is d. Transactions exposure .
Answer: The company will record a depreciation of $375 as depreciation.
We begin by calculating the depreciable value of the asset.

The depreciable value is $12,000.
The useful life of the asset is 8 years from the date of purchase.
So, the depreciation for one year will be
Hence the depreciation for one year is
Since the equipment was purchased at the end of September, we can only charge depreciation for 3 months on 31st December.
So, the depreciation expense will be 
Temporary difference
The reason is that the temporary difference is due to allowable and disallowable expenses and returns for some period which in later years equals to the allowable or disallowable incomes and expenses. This is all because of the temporary differences.
There is a difference between business management and technology management.
Business management refers to managing the organization's business perspective so that the direct business objectives of the organization is served.
Business management involves managing the domain, employees, looking after the business processes of an organization, etc. whereas
While technology management is used to make the business process simple and convenient through various aspects like managing the technical aspect of each and every business process and that is possible by having details about the technical aspects that are involved in all the business process of the organization.
For an organization to be successful it should possess all the required management techniques that include the business and technical aspects both.
Today the way of doing business has changed a lot and hence the organizations need to be quite diligent and effective in order to sustain and remain competitive in the industry.