Some social scientists and historians feel that family is the bedrock of society for a number of reasons:
1. Family provides children with the necessary support that helps them to develop into good citizens.
2. Family provides a model for political and social structures.
3. Family produces more citizens which serves to help to develop a society's infrastructure.
Climate change significantly decreases the availability of freshwater, making it a severe threat to all those who depend on the Nile. By the end of the century, heat waves could reduce the flow of the Nile in Egypt by an estimated 75 percent. Water Scarcity. Although it is rarely the sole cause of an issue, water scarcity exacerbates tensions and can act as a trigger in the Nile River conflicts. Both East Africa and North Africa have politically unstable and violent-prone regions.
The religious communities enforced new standards, creating a new male leadership role that followed Christian principles and became dominant in the 19th century. Baptists, German Lutherans and Presbyterians, funded their own ministers, and favored disestablishment of the Anglican church.
El sistema social dominante en la Europa medieval, en el que la nobleza poseía tierras de la corona a cambio del servicio militar, y los vasallos eran a su vez principios de los nobles, mientras que los campesinos estaban obligados a vivir en la tierra de su Señor y rendirle homenaje, trabajo. y una parte del producto, teóricamente a cambio de protección militar.
Espero que esto ayude a marcar el MÁS CEREBRAL !!!