Georgius Agricola (Georg Bauer), also known as the 'father of mineralogy', is considered the founder of geology as a scientific discipline. That is, he provided the foundations for the study of the Earth (and its rocks, minerals, and fossils), in a systematic, recorded, way.
Answer with Explanation:
A canyon is a natural area where both living and non-living organisms are found. Residing near it brings several benefits. <u>One of these is having the opportunity to exercise.</u> A person may access the canyon for his daily jog or walk. He may also do a little bit of hiking.<u> Another benefit is having good quality of water (free from pollutants).</u> The vegetation in the canyon prevents the urban runoff (usually from storms) from polluting the bodies of water.<u> Lastly, it gives the person a chance to see wildlife.</u> Many of the canyons are being preserved; thus, it's an opportunity to see many endangered habitats in it.
Standards of living in Western European Contries are higher than the world average because the GDP Per Capita of Western European Countries is higher than the world average.
Standards of living in Western European Countries are also high because the governments of these countries offer many social services, either free, or at low costs.
Western European Countries are mostly peaceful, with only very localized crime and violence.
Finally, Western European Countries developed very fast during the latter half of the XX century, but economic growth has stagnated in recent decades.
The overall climate in the United States of America (USA) is temperate, with notable exceptions. Alaska has an Arctic tundra climate, while Hawaii and South Florida have a tropical climate. The Great Plains are dry, flat and grassy, turning into arid desert in the far West.