Viable normal, or translocation carrier
<u>one normal copy of 21, one 21 to 14 translocation, one normal copy of 14 </u>
This is known as balanced translocation and individuals with such chromosomal arrangement have 45 chromosomes and are phenotypically normal.
Viable, with Down syndrome
<u>one normal copy of 14 two normal copies of 21 one 21 to 14 translocation </u>
It is trisomy of chromosome 21 (three copies of 21 chromosome).
<u>two normal copies of 21, one normal copy of 14 </u>
It is called monosomy 14 and it is lethal.
<u>one normal copy of 21, one 21 to 14 translocation, two normal copies of 14 </u>
It is called trisomy 14 and it is lethal.
<u>two normal copies of 14, one normal copy of 21, </u>
It is called monosomy 21 and it is also lethal.