Knots usually take 1 minute or so to do. If you keep on tying the knots and get used to the pattern, you will get faster and faster and eventually will be able to do it in 4 seconds. It is kind of like picking strawberries. If you keep on picking strawberries and timing yourself, you will get faster like when you typed the knot
Correct answer is A.
In the active voice sentences the operator of an activity is the subject in the sentence, so in sentence A we can see how <em>Drew</em> as a subject operated a nerf gun and pulled the triger, where nurf gun and trigger represent the objects.
In the passive voice sentences, construction - <u><em>Object from the active sentence becomes subject of passive + verb TO BE in the appropriate tense + main verb (from the active) in Past Participle </em></u>- is characteristic. This pattern can be recognized in sentences B, C and D.
A support beam transversed the ceiling