The protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and its streams and rivers are essential to a healthy and vibrant economy. The Bay provides countless opportunities and dollars in regards to its fishing, tourism, real estate, and shipping industries. Furthermore, working to restore this vital resource helps spur job growth and protect the countless livelihoods that depend on the Bay's health. Quite simply, failure to "Save the Bay™" threatens the Bay's value as an economic driver. Conversely, investing in clean-water technology creates jobs, generates economic activity, and saves money in the long run.
Global warming which is not a geological process but something humans have caused
Labeled from left to right (left column 1-9 and right column 10-18), these are the answers.
Economic - 5, 6, 16
Social - 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 18
Environmental - 1, 2, 9, 14, 15, 17
Political - 10, 11, 13
- Statements 5, 6 and 16 are related to the economy of China. 5 talks about how it is becoming richer, 6 talks about its currency and 16 talks about 2 major cities that contribute to China's economic growth.
- Statements 3, 4, 7, 8, 12 and 18 are related to the people of China. 3, 7 and 8 talk about the people in general and where they live in China. 4 and 18 talks about the staple food and the Chinese restaurants they have in the UK. 12 talks about the language they speak.
- Statements 1, 2, 9, 14, 15, 17 are related to the environment of China. They talk about the rivers, land, mountains, ocean, desert, and climate of China respectively.
- Statements 10, 11 and 13 relate to the political state of China. 10, 11 highlights the capital city and a great landmark in China. 13 talks about the relevant communist system present in China.