Since hereditarily they ought to be indistinguishable so any contrasts between them will be caused by their condition. Since indistinguishable twins create from a solitary prepared egg, they have a similar genome. So any contrasts between twins are because of their surroundings, not hereditary qualities. Late examinations have demonstrated that numerous naturally actuated contrasts are reflected in the epigenome.
This is a scientific model .Water from rivers, seas, ponds, lakes, ... evaporates up high, when cold is high, condenses to form small droplets of water (when they stand close together to form different shapes we call clouds), these small droplets fall on the ground creating rain
Diet and weightloss advertising puts super skinny models and actors/actresses saying they lost an insane amount of weight using their product. That is completely bias because they aren’t just going to say the model lost weight through other methods of weight loss because they are advertising THEIR product.
I would use skepticism evaluating these ads because I would be skeptical believing that someone lost 200 pounds in 2 months drinking some supplement.
The correct answer is taxonomy,
Taxonomy is a branch of biology that aims to to sort living thing into categories. In its early years, taxonomy was solely based on structural comparisons, mostly the anatomical similarities and differences between the organisms. However, with the discovery of the physiological processes and the genetic structures of organisms, the previous taxonomic knowledge was revised and changed in the light of the new scientific finds. Nowadays, taxonomy is primarily based on genetic similarities between the organisms.
Answer: i think that the answer should be c