Mrs. Taylor<u>,</u> the English teacher, also heads the debate club.
Hope this helps!
Once upon a time, when you didn't have to soak your hands in sanitizer or hinder your breathing with masks. Life was enjoyable. You could go to the mall with groups of friends and you could visit your lonely grandparents.
We were once able to run up to strangers and compliment them. We were once able to go to school only worrying about that math test and if he likes me or not. Sometime ago we could go to the movies and share a bag of popcorn.
Memories of crazy black fridays when it didn't matter how many people were in a store at the time. There was a time when we weren't so isolated. So separated. Those beach days and big birthday parties. The time you could go to pride and celebrate yourself. The days when you could go to different places in the world and appreciate life.
But somewhere somehow, things took a turn for the worse. It left people panicking for their olders and seniors. It made people yell at one another about whether or not they should wear a mask. It made kids and teens rebel and meet up. It made families fight. It made us loose connection to real human interaction. It's all "wyd" and "nm u?".
We can't even tell if someones smiling at us or not. We're all stuck on the screen. what can we do? It's our only form of communication, our only form of education, our only form of entertainment, our only form of news.
Adults are hurt by questions like "why don't you and kids ever visit us anymore?" or "mommy why is no one here for my birthday?". We can't do anything but sit still and wait. Wait for some sort of change.
Our homes aren't even a sanctuary anymore. Teens can't even cry without being afraid someone will hear them. Parent's are afraid they'll snap at their child. Kids are confused and becoming more and more addicted to their screens.
The worst part is that, this is all in order to keep us safe. But will safety overrule the need to be with one another?
"Harry now had a companion in the form of his owl, and he decided to call her Hedwig."