His teaching of the theory of evolution lead him to be arrested, as this broke a Tennessee state law. The AFT supported him, as he was willing to challenge government interference in with the science curriculum.
Answer and explanation;
By organizing information through the use of civilization, one is able to distinctly outline specific cultures based on their time and places.
Civilization is a "western word" that is defined as having:
1) a food producing based that generated surpluses,
2) an in increase in population,
3) specialization of labor,
4) a social hierachy,
5) growth of trade,
6) centralization of political and religious authority,
7) monumental building, and
8) the development of writing and written records.
France, Great Britain, Spain
I believe it is John Kerry. I hope this helps!
The US Senate voted in support to measure in declare of Germany. the house concurred two days later the US later declared war on Germany all Austria-hungary