The main way in which Theodore Roosevelt’s Corollary influenced US foreign policy was that it cast the US in a far more dominant light, since it threatened the use of force against countries that didn't "fall in line".
It was a speech
Albert Beveridge, an enthusiastic imperialist, was campaigning for the Indiana senator seat in 1898 when he delivered The March of the Flag speech. The speech, which was published later in the Indianapolis Journal, was pronounced one month after the signing of armistice. The speech aimed at promoting US imperialism both as a divine and national mission that originated with Thomas Jefferson. In the speech, he used religious rhetoric and invoked God eleven times to appeal to an audience.
By being hard to do the work because it does get hot out when doing that kind of job
A lot of people lost their jobs
Ethiopia was the only African nation that was not colonized, the Ethiopian forces successfully defeated the Italians during the battle of Adowa which was led by Menelik the second. This helped the nation kept their independent.Unlike other African nation Ethiopia had strong military force and huge sense of nationalism which made their resistance successful.