Okay so northern Africa and the Sahara desert is the best example of desertification.
2 ways humans have contributed to that is: 1) pastoral nomadism 2) little to no settlements to increase water supply
how it impacted the environment: so now the environment there is sandy, only organisms adapted for those extreme environment can live there ex. camel, cactus, etc.,
how it impacted quality of life: quality of life diminished, not enough water to sufficiently feed the populations, people live in extreme poverty, people are moving away, and the climate is very dry and hot, pretty much not a place anyone would want to live
Lactase refers to an enzyme that can dissociate lactose sugar into glucose and galactose. This enzyme plays an important role in the digestion of milk that comprises high lactose sugar. In case, if a mutation occurs in the gene codon of lactase, then two possibilities can take place. These are as follows:
1. Loss of mutation: In this case, the person becomes lactose intolerant because of mutation in lactase gene codon. Due to this, there is low mRNA expression and thus low production of the enzyme lactase. This is also known as lactase non-persistent phenotype.
2. Gain in mutation: In this case, the person gain an increase in mRNA expression of the lactase gene, thus more production of lactase takes place than usual. This kind of individual exhibits lactase persistent phenotype.
The current projects of the Environmental Protection Act is to reduce the carbon footprint in the atmosphere which is responsible for the climate changes.
Environmental protection act is working to reduce greenhouse gases in the year 2020. And its its energy use and the fuel consumption for climate change in the atmosphere.
Environmental protection act is the independent agency of the US federal government for the environmental protectio. It has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing the national standards under the variety of environmental law.
Polar and Ionic compounds
B) Bb x Bb because to have blue eyes they need to get the trait from both parents