1. The separation of a substance into simpler substances or basic elements. 2. The process of decaying or rotting. Decomposition of dead organic matter is brought about by the activity of certain bacteria and fungi feeding on it.
To identify people by DNA it is better to make copies of non-coding segments because they exhibit more variation than genes.
- The polymorphic sequences of non-coding DNA vary between individuals in humans.
- Variable number tandem repeats, or VNTRs, are created when DNA sequences are repeatedly replicated in the genome's non-coding regions.
- It is possible to create a person's genetic fingerprint by counting the amount of repeats, which varies between individuals.
- However, this non-coding DNA is used in criminal investigations by forensic experts.
- There are distinctive repeating patterns found inside this area of DNA that can be utilized to distinguish one person from another.
- Short tandem repeats (STRs) are a type of pattern that can be measured to determine a person's DNA profile.
learn more about DNA here: brainly.com/question/21265857
The epidermis is the thin outer layer of the skin.
Here’s one! Huge farming companies genetically modified foods to withstand round up. You might know round up as a weed killer. It’s marketed safe with no harming chemicals to humans. That is completely wrong and have been proven to cause many chronic illnesses including cancer. These foods are modified to not react with round up and only to kill the weeds all around the plants. Even though the food looks ok it’s really not. The round up is all over the food. Then we eat it and well bad chemicals get absorbed into are body.
I hope this is some of what you were looking for. If not I hope you enjoyed my fun fact ;) good luck.