One of the main similarities is that they had their possessions buried with them for the afterlife. The ancient Egyptian pharaohs buried riches and all of their possessions, while Shi Huangdi was buried with a whole army of terracotta warriors and horses. ... They planned their burials for most of their lives.
1935 was wavering. The economy was at a seemingly brink of risk and Roosevelt was not going to let it plunder. Many said that the "New Deal" wasn't working well enough and thought that what they saw was the government taking over. May 1935 came around and it hit its all time low. The National Industrial Recovery Act was a key piece of New Deal legislation. However, in 1935, the supreme court struck it down. Roosevelt wasn't having any of this and so he made the Second New Deal which proposed many new parts of legislation, including Social Security.
These usually result from wind and can travel hundreds of miles before they reach the shore.
This is a continuous directed movement of ocean water
Ocean Wave
It can be corrupt
It is often ineffective
The biggest criticism towards the United Nations goes for:
- It can be corrupt; there's accusations towards the United Nations very often that it is corrupt, and that it serves mostly in the interest of the United States and the western world in general, and objectively speaking it does look that way more often than not.
- It is often ineffective; there's countless examples of the inefficiency of the United Nations, and lots of those kind of seem like the United Nations don't want to solve. Simple example is the name issue between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece. Even though in the law of the United Nations stands that every country has the right to choose its own name and no one can forbid it, and even though the Republic of Macedonia won in the International court over the issue, Greece is blocking its northern neighbor to get into the organizations like NATO and the EU because they are not allowing the term Macedonia to be included in the name of the country. The United Nations did literally nothing to force Greece to respect the law of the organization which they are obliged to do.